Wednesday 16 May 2012


ube filling:

1 cup purple yam
4 tbsp white sugar
3 tbsp powdered milk
(or use 1/4 cup condensed milk to replace sugar and milk)

  1. peel the purple yam, cut into small cubes place in a bowl with sugar and steam until tender , let it cool and mashed it add the powdered milk/ condensed milk) if you will be using condensed milk dont add sugar to the yam, it will be too sweet.

other fillings:
cream cheese, bbq pork, custard

bread dough:

flour paste/water roux starter /tangzhong (for softer dough effect: mix these two ingredients and cook over low heat until slightly thicken but not boil. set aside to cool)
4 tbsp all purpose flour
1/2 cup water

1 cup warm water
2 tsp sugar
3 tsp dry yeast
4 + 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour( 4 cups together with the dry ingredients +1.5 cups extra to add during kneading)
1 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp baking powder
3 egg yolks add milk/water to make 1 cup
1/2 cup soft salted butter/ margarine (room temperature)
1/2 cup flour paste

1 egg for brushing the top
1/4 cup soft butter/margarine to grease the pan and brush the top of the bread

for toppings
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter
grated cheese

  1. combine warm water , sugar and dry yeast in a bowl for 5 mins until it starts to foam.
  2. in a mixer bowl put the flour, sugar, salt,and baking powder together, stir until incorporated.
  3. make a space in the center of the dry ingredients then add the no.1 mixture in and then add the egg-milk mixture, if you are using the kitchen aid , mix the dough at no.2 speed until dough is form then start adding the soft butter/margarine, and flour paste. If mixture is too wet add some more flour. The dough should be soft but not wet.
  4. remove the bowl from stand mixer cover the mixer bowl with cling wrap and let the dough rise for 2 hours, after two hours the dough should have doubled.
  5. roll the dough and divide into 24 small pcs.
  6. press each dough to form circle, add fillings and close it to form a ball, place it in cupcake pans greased generously with margarine or butter. if you plan to make a knot bread first line the tray with aluminum foil and greased it with butter.brush the top of the bread with butter/ margarine. 
  7.  heat the oven for 1-2 minute just to let it warm then turn the heat off place the cupcake pans or trays into the oven and let it rise for 1 hour.
  8. remove from oven , pre heat the oven to 325F . brush the top with beaten egg.
  9. when temperature is ready place the cupcake pans back to oven on the middle rack not too close to bottom. bake for 15 mins. ( do not use two layers of the oven) just cook in two batches.
  10. if after 15 minutes the top is not browning, you can add 2-3 mins of broil-hi temperature, but not longer than that.
  11. when done remove from oven and brush with butter ( do not use the same brush in brushing raw eggs or raw dough) use a separate brush or just use spoon. let it cool
  12. add some more butter and dip it into sugar and top it with grated cheese.

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